PBM Complaint Form

Please fill in as much information as you can. indicates a required field.

General Complaint Information

Please check the reasons that apply to your complaint.

Submitter's Information

Insured's Information

Insurance Information

Claim Information

Description and Fair Resolution

Please enter a description of the complaint below. Please provide as much information as possible including dates, names, provider information, dates of service and locations. You will have the opportunity to attach supporting files to your complaint once it is successfully submitted.
What do you consider to be a fair resolution to your problem?
You will have the opportunity to attach supporting files to your complaint once it is successfully submitted.


Please read the following statement:

To the best of my knowledge, the information contained herein is true and accurate. I understand that a copy of this form and any or all of the information attached may be sent to the party complained against.

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  • TOLL_FREE: (800) 259-5300

  • 1702 N. Third Street
    Baton Rouge, LA 70802
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